Creating a world where all people and communities can be healthy and well


Health+ Studio is a women-owned social impact agency working to improve the health and well-being of children, families, and communities. We create impact by illuminating ideas and building opportunities for all people to be as healthy as possible. 


We work across sectors and issue areas because factors impacting our health do too. We partner with: 

Non-profit organizations
Public agencies & policymakers
Private sector
Health & research institutions


What we do


Craft new narratives

Making complex issues relatable.

We use storytelling to lift up different perspectives and experiences and create urgency for change.

Facilitate collective action

Blending different ideas and resources to propel change.

We create environments and avenues for ideation, collaboration, and consensus building.

Strengthen strategy and decision-making

Distilling the essence of information to enable thoughtful decisions.

We design research, facilitate community engagement, and turn insights and data into strategic action.

Build capacity

Mobilizing the power of storytelling and community engagement for social change.

We help organizations strengthen their skills to connect with and amplify community voices. 



Cultivating the next generation of food justice leaders

Learn how we co-designed a new, expanded program model by engaging all interest holders in collaborative exploration.

Photo credit: Foodwise



Showcasing impact to build knowledge and inspire change

Learn how we used video storytelling to showcase success stories of community coalitions and multi-sector partnerships that are working to address social determinants of health.



Supporting families and youth in navigating mental health services

Learn how we used community research to inform ongoing development of community-facing activities and content across Health Department programs.
